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Currently the main issue with my design is a crossing of sight lines. Although a shared garden is appropriate response to my concept of collective living , tenants need to be able to maintain privacy and have a choice in interaction. Otherwise, there becomes and issue of over exposure and active surveillance. 
This could be resolved by combining dwellings so that any openings face onto either a more expansive space of activity (the main walkway) or areas of natural beauty. 



As the design currently stands building type 1 (less able elderly)  lacks the integration achieved in the other building types , leading for its tenants to become disconnected form the housing community.


This can be improved by future design being focused on integrating all building types equally through exciting design strategies that work on this notion of play. 



I followed a jenga concept to formalise the integrated building types but because of this , and the complexities of my site, naturally lighting the space became an issue. 


This could be combated by introducing a courtyard housing unit , this could become a feature of my design and offer tenants a private meditative space within the busy housing scheme



I followed a jenga concept to formalise the integrated building types but because of this , and the complexities of my site, naturally lighting the space became an issue. 


This could be combated by introducing a courtyard housing unit , this could become a feature of my design and offer tenants a private meditative space within the busy housing scheme



The walkway between different housing raises issues of privacy and lacks aesthetic appeal.  


If I was too re arrange the units to create a more streamlined passage this lead to more sensible circulation. Moreover, the creation of apertures within the ways could bring excitement to the scheme and also tackle the issue of unintegrated tenants. 



Due to the scale of the essoldo , the space wouldn't work as a kitchen and dining area and would lack the intimacy needed to create a strong community within the housing scheme. 


A new more appropriate kitchen will have to be designed , with a focus on extending its benefits to the wider community of Stretford. 

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