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A multi home ownership scheme is a new economic / legal strategy designed to make borrowing cheaper and make buying a house an achievable goal for all. It gives people who would otherwise be out of the housing market an access route by coming together to form a society so it is the society who accesses the mortgage not the individual, giving those involved greater finical security.


Furthermore , it gives tenants more flexibility by owning the property rather than renting. This strategy works perfectly in line with my ethos of collective living and is used in existing co housing schemes such as Lilac in Leeds. For more information , click the button to the right. 


It's essential that the green house and houses are built and occupied simultaneously.. As the communal kitchen is a core pillar of the ethos of collective living. Therefore  by introducing both interventions at the same time it gives tenants a space to meet and introduces the neighbourhood bond instantly . 

There is a hope that these interventions will provide the basis for a group of people to come together and begin a new similar co housing project further afield. One that also integrates public interactions and local businesses so that the scheme can work in a cyclical nature and simultaneously improve both public space and the idea of a home.


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